

Gartner to CEOs: Seize the iPad Opportunity Now

From Gartner Group:

The Apple iPad and its ecosystem are likely to disrupt existing technology use profiles and business models, and CEOs should ensure that its potential is being seriously evaluated inside their organizations, according to a new report from Gartner Inc.

Note also another issues. CIOs and IT managers who hesitate, hoping for the Android platform to "catch up," are being shortsighted. Any costs invested in the iPad are going to be limited compared to the overall size of the mobile business.

I hear many IT people say "we don't want to choose the wrong platform." But they are missing the point. It's quite inexpensive to get into the iPad and most of those costs will be for "non-platform specific" issues.

The biggest danger to enterprises is failing to move quickly enough.

Purchase the full report here.

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